Assault on Enigma is live!
Assault on Enigma is a game mode in which you will march into Enigma, the enemy of all Iyarr, and clear the dungeons inside.
You can only challenge the Enigma together with your Guildmates.
Defeat the Boss in the depths of a dungeon and destroy the Enigma to challenge the next Enigma.
Demons that have never before been seen on Iyarr have reportedly been sighted inside the Enigma, so prepare well during the Observation phase.

  • Schedule
  • Observation Phase (PT) Assault Phase (PT) Result Announcement (PT)
    From Aug 15, 12:00 am to Aug 18, 11:59 pm (estimated) From Aug 19, 12:00 am to Aug 21, 11:59 pm (estimated) After Aug 22, 4:00 am
    *During the Assault Phase in the Assault on Enigma, you will be unable to disband or leave your Guild.
    If you want to change or rearrange your Guild, it should be made before Aug 18, 11:59 pm.
    *After the Assault Period is over, the result will be assessed after 4:00 am PT.

  • Defeat Score Rising Stars
  • By placing certain Heroes to your Party, you can get extra Defeat Score upon winning the battle. Lineup of the Heroes with extra score effect is refreshed for each season.
    For more details about Enimga Score, refer to this page.
    *Score earned from Caterpillar Demon will not be increased.

    Defeat Score Rising Stars
  • Gavin Break
  • Amritah
  • Borodin
  • Odysseia
  • Philomena
  • Isaiah

  • By fighting with these target Heroes, your defeat score will be doubled!
    Effects will be increased by having multiple Heroes participate at once who have higher Defeat Score Bonuses.
    Enigmas in the second half have higher Mini Boss Defeat Scores, so we recommend these challenges to Guilds who are confident in their abilities!

  • Rewards
  • You can get Accessory (Perfume) or Philosopher’s Stone Fragment as rewards of Assault on Enigma.
    Rewards given out based on your Enigma Score and Wrapped Stones you and your Guildmates acquired from the dungeon.
    *Rewards will be sent after the Assault Period is over, the result will be assessed after 4:00 am PT.

    For further details, refer to the in-game as following;
    Go to [Assault on Enigma] > treasure box icon >
    Check out ranking rewards from the [Ranking].
    and [Score] for individual rewards.

    Inside the dungeon, you might find Wrapped Stones (treasure boxes).
    Unlike other treasure boxes, Wrapped Stone can be opened only when one of your Guild Members acquired the stone. The rewards will be sent to all Guild Members who participated in this season’s Assault on Enigma.
    Various items comes out from Wrapped Stone, including Perfume.