[Paid Gem Only] Hero Evolution Pack
Heroes’ Outfits
[Paid Gem Only] The Miraculous Sphera
[Paid Gem Only] Refinement Crystal
[Paid Gem Only] Bargain Hammer Set
[Paid Gem Only] 1★ 2★ 3★ Hero Grow Orb
[Paid Gem Only] Absolute! Level Up Pack
[Paid Gem Only] Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Luxurious Mystery Pack
Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Fragment Luxurious Mystery Pack
Race’s Anima Bargain Step Up (Human / Gessy / Lizardman)
Super Skill Upgrade Pack
Release crystal Step Up Pack(I / II)
Beast Training Set
Effect Preserving Liquid (I / II / III)
Training Amulet Super Bargain Pack
EXP Orb (5000)
This Week’s Upgrade Pack

[Paid Gem Only] Hero Evolution Pack

Evolution Packs containing items for training Moga, Yuri, and Kwaralu are on sale.
Contains necessary items for evolving each Hero to 6★ as well as 5★ Equipment!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • “”
    Item(s) Details Purchase Limit
    Moga Evolution Pack Moga’s Anima x400
    Small Water Gem x70
    Medium Water Gem x85
    Large Water Gem x100
    Blue Skies Sphera Fragment x60
    Ebullience Sphera Board x60
    Moga’s 5★ Main Equipment x1
    Moga’s 5★ Sub Equipment x1
    Zhorbaa’s Summons x1
    1 time
    Yuri Evolution Pack Yuri’s Anima x400
    Small Water Gem x70
    Medium Water Gem x85
    Large Water Gem x100
    Turquoise Seas Sphera Fragment x60
    Lamentation Sphera Board x60
    Yuri’s 5★ Main Equipment x1
    Yuri’s 5★ Sub Equipment x1
    The Late Ketoom’s Hair x1
    1 time
    Kwaralu Evolution Pack Kwaralu’s Anima x400
    Small Water Gem ×70
    Medium Water Gem ×85
    Large Water Gem ×100
    Turquoise Seas Sphera Fragment ×60
    Astonishing Sphera Board ×60
    Kwaralu’s 5★ Equipment (Main) x1
    Kwaralu’s 5★ Equipment (Sub) x1
    Stalwart’s Obi Band x1
    1 time

    Heroes’ Outfits

    Some Heroes’ outfits are on sale!
    Heroes’ stats are increased just by possessing the outfit!
    *Outfits won’t appear on the lineup if you have purchased it already.

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on Jun 5(estimated)

    Products Lineup
    Item(s) Details Purchase Limit
    Marion’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Waugogo’s Rainy Season Outfit M-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Drehd’s Rainy Season Outfit P-ATK +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Rolomeu’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Jhala’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF +40
    M-DEF +40
    1 time
    Willow’s Rainy Season Outfit M-ATK +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Pitsch’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF +40
    M-DEF +40
    1 time
    Ralph’s Rainy Season Outfit M-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Logion’s Rainy Season Outfit M-ATK +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Karl Dane’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF+40
    1 time
    Canal’s Rainy Season Outfit M-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Lasharna’s Rainy Season Outfit M-ATK +40
    HP +200
    1 time
    Dolbiro’s Rainy Season Outfit P-DEF +40
    M-DEF +40
    1 time
    Alotie’s Rainy Season Outfit M-DEF +40
    HP +200
    1 time

    [Paid Gem Only] The Miraculous Sphera

    Only when unlocking Level 45 to 46, The Miraculous Sphera that is commonly required for all heroes.
    Used in Limit Break!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Amount Purchase Limit
    The Miraculous Sphera 1 2 times

    [Paid Gem Only] Refinement Crystal

    Refinement Crystals, a type of item required to increase equipment’s Refinement Level to a specific level via Equipment Refining, are now on sale.

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Amount Purchase Limit
    Refinement Crystal 30 5 times

    [Paid Gem Only] Bargain Hammer Set

    Hammers that can be used in Equipment Fusion are now available at a bargain price!
    Never miss the chance!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Purchase Limit
    Silver Hammer (Main) ×150
    Silver Hammer (Sub) ×150
    Gold Hammer (Main) ×1
    Gold Hammer (Sub) ×1
    10 times

    [Paid Gem Only] 1★ 2★ 3★ Hero Grow Orb

    1★ 2★ 3★ Hero Grow Orb is on sale.
    The item that allows to Evolution, Skill Upgrade, Limit Break, etc. of heroes without levelling-up items or Gold that are consumed in normal training.
    *Eligible Heroes include all 1★ – 3★ Heroes excluding collab Heroes.
    Check the Help page for more details.

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Amount Purchase Limit
    1★ 2★ 3★ Hero Grow Orb 1 2 times

    [Paid Gem Only] Absolute! Level Up Pack

    Get Hero Orb (500000) at a bargain price, [Paid Gem Only] Absolute! Level Up Pack is on sale.
    By opening to STEP 4, get Hero Orb (500000) x140 in total at a bargain price from this pack.
    Also, after purchasing this [Paid Gem Only] Absolute! Level Up Pack from STEP 1 to 4, STEP 1 will reappear! From then, you can purchase each step in order up to three times.

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Lineup
  • [Paid Gem Only] Absolute! Level Up Pack (Three purchases per each step)
  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • Step 1: Paid Phantasm Gems x300
    Step 2: Paid Phantasm Gems x500
    Step 3: Paid Phantasm Gems x1000
    Step 4: Paid Phantasm Gems x1200

    STEP Contents
    STEP 1 Hero Orb (500000) x10
    STEP 2 Hero Orb (500000) x20
    STEP 3 Hero Orb (500000) x40
    STEP 4 Hero Orb (500000) x70

    [Paid Gem Only] Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Luxurious Mystery Pack

    Enjoy this pack full of surprise! Three Times Limited Luxurious Mystery Pack is live!
    Here’s your chance to receive up to 10x Philosopher’s Stones!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • [Paid Gem Only] Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Luxurious Mystery Pack (Three times only)
    ◆What’s Inside The Pack;

    One of the five following items will appear from the Mystery Pack
    Philosopher’s Stone x3 Philosopher’s Stone x4 Philosopher’s Stone x5 Philosopher’s Stone x7 Philosopher’s Stone x10

    Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Fragment Luxurious Mystery Pack

    Enjoy this pack full of surprise! Three Times Limited Luxurious Mystery Pack is live!
    Here’s your chance to receive up to 20x Philosopher’s Stone Fragments!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

    Try Your Luck! Philosopher’s Stone Fragment Luxurious Mystery Pack (Three times only)
    ◆What’s Inside The Pack;

    One of the five following items will appear from the Mystery Pack
    Philosopher’s Stone Fragment ×7 Philosopher’s Stone Fragment ×10 Philosopher’s Stone Fragment ×12 Philosopher’s Stone Fragment ×15 Philosopher’s Stone Fragment ×20

    Race’s Anima Bargain Step Up (Human / Gessy / Lizardman)

    Step Up Pack with bargain price Race’s Anima is on sale.
    Each race has its own Anima which allows you to convert it to the Anima of a Hero of the corresponding race.
    Exchange your Race’s Anima from in-game Menu > Char. > Ability > Select Character > +.
    Refer to [this page] for further details of Race’s Anima.

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Race’s Anima Bargain Step Up (Human) (One purchase per each step only)

  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • Step 1: Phantasm Gem x500
    Step 2: Phantasm Gem x1000
    Step 3: Phantasm Gem x2000
    Step 4: Phantasm Gem x3000
    Race’s Anima Bargain Step Up (Gessy) (One purchase per each step only)

  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • Step 1: Phantasm Gem x500
    Step 2: Phantasm Gem x1000
    Step 3: Phantasm Gem x2000
    Step 4: Phantasm Gem x3000
    Race’s Anima Bargain Step Up (Lizardman) (One purchase per each step only)

  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • Step 1: Phantasm Gem x500
    Step 2: Phantasm Gem x1000
    Step 3: Phantasm Gem x2000
    Step 4: Phantasm Gem x3000

    Super Skill Upgrade Pack

    Super Skill Upgrade Pack is on sale.
    Get Battle Manuals at bargain price to make your Heroes stronger!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Purchase Limit
    Battle Manual (Beginner) x80
    Battle Manual (Normal) x150
    Battle Manual (Veteran) x25
    2 times

    Release crystal Step Up Pack(I / II)

    Step Up Pack with Release Crystals is on sale.
    Unlock your Heroes’ Support Equipment Slots at a bargain price!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Release Crystal I Step Up Pack (One purchase per each step)

  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • Step1:500
    Release Crystal II Step Up Pack (One purchase per each step)

  • Required Phantasm Gem
  • STEP 1:1000
    STEP 2:3000
    STEP 3:5000

    Beast Training Set

    A pack allowing you to acquire Training Goods, Beast Release Crystals, and Beast’s Battle Manuals is now on sale!
    Train up your Beasts at a great price!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Purchase Limit
    Training Goods ×5
    6★ Millet Bullet ×5
    Beast’s Battle Manual (Beginner) ×60
    Beast’s Battle Manual (Normal) ×30
    Beast’s Battle Manual (Advanced) ×10
    Beast Release Crystal [α]×40
    Beast Release Crystal [β]×10
    Beast Release Crystal [γ]×1
    5 times

    Effect Preserving Liquid (I / II / III)

    Effect Preserving Liquid Pack is on sale! Protect abilities you want to save with Effect Preserving Liquid!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to the maintenance on May 22(estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Amount Purchase Limit
    Effect Preserving Liquid (I) 1 10 times
    Effect Preserving Liquid (II) 1 10 times
    Effect Preserving Liquid (III) 1 10 times

    Training Amulet Super Bargain Pack

    Check out this pack full of Training Amulets and Large Gold Nuggets.
    Never miss this chance to train your equipment at a bargain price!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

    Details Purchase Limit
    Training Amulet ×50
    Large Gold Nugget ×100
    3 times

    EXP Orb 5000

    EXP Orb (5000) is on sale.
    Never miss the chance to level up faster!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

  • Products Lineup
  • Item(s) Amount Purchase Limit
    EXP Orb (5000) 400 5 times

    This Week’s Upgrade Pack

    Get Crystal and Dungeon Ticket from this week’s pack!

  • Period
  • From the maintenance on May 8 to May 15, 11:59 pm PT (estimated)

    Details Purchase Limit
    EXP Dungeon Ticket×1
    Gold Dungeon Ticket×1
    1 time