Exterior Fusion Lab

Exterior Fusion Lab

You can fuse Caravan Exteriors by installing Exterior Fusion Lab then spending Gold and Exteriors in your hand.
Same kind of Exterior parts are needed for fusion. Main Guns for Main Gun, Sub Guns for Sub Gun, .etc.
*For Accessories, you can only fuse parts of rarity 1★.
*You can’t fuse following Exterior parts; 3★ or 4★ Accessories, Accessory Exteriors distributed as rewards of certain events.

The maximum rarity of Exterior parts to be fused can be unlocked by upgrading the facility.

Facility level Function to be released
Level 1 Rarity limit of the Exteriors used as material: 2★ (Accessories: 1★)
Level 2 Rarity limit of the Exteriors used as material: 3★ (Accessories: 1★)
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