Thank you for playing Caravan Stories PlayStation® 4.

We are sad to announce that as of 11:00 am JST on March 13, 2025, service for Caravan Stories PlayStation®4 will be coming to an end.

We have always worked hard to ensure that we offer you, our customers, the best service we can. However, as we have determined that it is no longer possible to continue offering satisfactory service, we have made the decision to bring the service to an end.

We wish to offer our sincere gratitude to all of you for your patronage thus far, and ask for your understanding with regard to the end of service.

Schedule Until End of Service

– Notice of End of Service (This Notice)
1:00 pm JST on September 12, 2024

– End of sale of Paid Phantasm Gems and Paid Gold (coinciding with this notice).
1:00 pm JST on September 12, 2024

– End of Service
11:00 am JST on March 13, 2025
*Certain in-game Events are scheduled to continue to be updated until the end of service.

Repayment of Unused Paid Phantasm Gems and Paid Gold

Following the end of service, any unused Paid Phantasm Gems and Paid Gold are to be made invalid and will not be repaid or returned to customers, in accordance with Article 10 of the Terms of Service.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and ask for your understanding.

Delivery of Monthly Packs

Delivery of Monthly Packs ends at 12:00 am JST on September 1, 2024. If players attempt to register for a fixed-rate service, the payment will no longer go through.

Delivery of PlayStation®Plus Perks

The PlayStation®Plus Perks that are delivered every month are scheduled to continue to be delivered until 11:59 pm JST on March 12, 2025.

Updates Until End of Service

To ensure that our customers are able to continue enjoying Caravan Stories PlayStation®4 until the end of service,
we implemented an update that made certain content permanent following maintenance on September 12.
Please check here for more details.

We sincerely hope that you will continue to enjoy your journey in Caravan Stories PlayStation®4 until the end of service at 11:00am on March 13, 2025.

From everyone on the administration team for Caravan Stories PlayStation®4.