Without Limit! ! 5★+ Heroes Limited Loot B is live.
This loot contains 4★+ Equipment / 5★+ Hero / Anima (x10, x20 or x30) for the certain races’ Heroes Elf, Dwarf, Ork and Ancient ONLY!
This loot selects Magic Crystal Equipment [Tornado Staff Vetya] and [Crystalshot Altera]!
Players will also receive a Bonus Ticket B, which can be traded for the target Heroes’ Anima or 6★ Equipment Ticket!
Bonuses of each step
Bonus Ticket B Lineup
Item | Ticket(s) | Available Limit |
Lineup 6★ Hero’s Anima x20 | 3 | ∞ |
Lineup 5★ Hero’s Anima x50 | 3 | ∞ |
6★ Equipment Ticket x1 | 5 | ∞ |
Go to Menu ⇒ Shop ⇒ 6★ Exchange to exchange your ticket into equipment.
Loot Drop Rate
Equipment | Heroes | Anima | |
From 1st to 9th Box | Magic Crystal Equipment・・・0.5% 6★・・・1% 5★・・・5% 4★・・・42.25% Total・・・48.75% |
6★・・・0.25% 5★・・・1% Total・・・1.25% |
x30・・・5% x20・・・15% x10・・・30% Total・・・50% |
10th Box | Magic Crystal Equipment・・・0.5% 6★・・・6% 5★・・・93.5% Total・・・100% |
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*You have to reach the [Port of Nero] with at least one race to open this loot box.
*Check details of each equipment’s skill from [Menu ⇒ Settings&Details ⇒ Other Menu ⇒ Library ⇒ Character you want to check] in game.
*If a Hero you already have comes out from a loot box, it will be automatically converted to the half amount of Anima required to unlock the Hero.
*Items of the same rarity has the same chances.
*Check the in-game lineup page to see what all this loot box contains.
*The schedule and content may change at any time.